La Nit de la Llum

Events in Javea and the surrounding areas are not well advertised. I often see pictures on Facebook of significant cultural events that took place the day before without having a clue it happened. This is always frustrating because we want to soak in all the culture we can while we're here, but I suppose it's part of being a foreigner and not having the inside scoop. Therefore, when I saw the event “La Nit de la Llum” (The Night of Lights) in the neighboring town Denia advertised beforehand, I was pleasantly surprised and decided to take the kids to check it out.

It turned out it actually happened and was “tan preciosa”! It also turned out that I ran into my friend Cristina from surf class and learend that her company had organized the event. She and her team placed and lit over 9,000 candles throughout the main avenues of downtown Denia. Can you imagine lighting nine thousand candles?!?! Would fire and safety ever allow this to happen in the US? Probably not and maybe that made me love it more! The candles led from the main avenue to the steps of the town hall, situated below Denia castle, and it was enchanting!

The ambiance brought out of crowds people who shopping in the local stores and at and drank at cafe tables scattered throughout the streets. There were “mobile discos” - several dancers moving through the streets to Christmas-themed music. The ambiance was romantic, cozy, and fitting for creating feelings of holiday “cheer.” At one point followed the sound of latin music down a street and encountered a Zumba class taking place. Maybe it was because we didn't live in Denia, maybe it was the party energy, or maybe it's because we've stopped caring about what people think and choose to enjoy, but Volly and I couldn't resist "shaking it."

Lights, music, food, shopping… this was what I missed from home!!! It was not the same. It was new and different, but still made me feel that warm, fuzzy holiday spirit that I so missed being half a world away from my family.


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